Tuesday, February 25, 2020

What's The Incentive Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

What's The Incentive - Case Study Example The terms of employees’ payment within each organization have to be based on specific criteria: emphasis needs to be given on equality among employees so that conflicts in the internal organizational environment are avoided (Laffont and Tirole 1993). In the case of pay and reward pay package of engineers a significant dilemma appears: is this package fair, taking into consideration the changes developed in the organization since its introduction? The answer should be negative. The specific view can be justified through the following argument: the visits of engineers to the depot have been a key part of their position, meaning that their payment would be significantly lower if they were not obliged to visit the depot. In other words, the terms of engineers’ pay and reward have been arranged in this way mostly because engineers had to visit the depot many times each time, a fact that would reduce their free time for making calls to sites. It is for this reason also, that the term for a visit of at least 4 sites and the provision of reward for visiting extra sites was set in the agreement between the employer and the engineers’ union. The above agreement would not be valid today since the working conditions of engineers have been significantly altered so that a key feature of their daily tasks, the need for visiting the depot, has been eliminated. Being considered as valid, the above agreement can lead, in the short or the long term, to severe turbulences within the organization, at the level that other employees have not been favoured from similar advances in their daily tasks. From another point of view, the current pay and reward package of employees leads to another concern: the employer had suggested such package on the terms that the daily calls of engineers to sites could not be over a particular number. This means that having to visit the depot on a daily basis, engineers could not visit many sites each day; for this reason, 4 sites have

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Childhood Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Childhood Depression - Essay Example Depression also occurs in children; the diagnosis criterion is the presence of symptoms over a fortnight. The symptoms could include sadness, low enjoyment of previously enjoyable activities, and loss of appetite or feelings of low moods. Accompanying these feelings is low self-esteem, which can alter behavioral changes in an individual. In addition, this mental illness has detrimental effects on the body functions. Clinical depression can be classified into manic (bipolar), major depression and dysthymia. All of these types of clinical depression affect children at varying rates and severity (Lack & Green, 2009). Between 2- 6% of children and teenagers experience depression. Suicide, which may be caused by depression, is the third leading cause of death in individuals between 10-19 years old (Whittington et al, 2004). This paper delves into the often maligned issue of childhood depression, its causes and management. Childhood Depression Diagnosis of clinical depression in childhood is not a clear-cut issue as it elicits several debates. Firstly, it is a relatively new phenomenon while there is no agreement on the legitimacy of its diagnosis. One view holds that definitions of major depression in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM IV) do not adequately distinguish between emotions in response to loss from emotions in depression (Clarke, 2011). Another view holds that children may outgrow depression. In addition, children may be diagnosed with other mental illnesses; thus, diagnosis of childhood depression is a difficult task. People get distressed at various stages of their life. Sadness may wane over time, however, and depression may persist over longer periods of time. For children, the experiences of depression may be difficult to detect. Most therapists, health workers and clinical psychologists assumed that children were immature to undergo depression. With time, healthcare practitioners and therapists recognized the presence and nature of the illness as an identifiable mental illness. The difficulty in diagnosing depression in children is harder since adults may assume that certain behaviors are normal or are simply development stages. Additionally, children may not be able to communicate their feelings. Children may exhibit irritability; thus, their actions may be misinterpreted as naughtiness. Depression occurs across all races, social classes, and economic settings. A proper diagnosis of depression is crucial since less than 30% of adults and children receive the appropriate treatment (Bhatia & Bhatia, 2007).Â